plate mt meal – It’s simple to eat healthy

World’s most simple solution to plan meals and build healthy eating habits!

plate my meal – everyone can plan a healthy meal

Creating Lifetime lasting Healthy Eating Habits

Have your children active and involved in meal planning. Your child will learn to identify and plan a balanced and healthy meal. Instead of creating conflicts with your children and having doubts about portion sizes and food variety at each meal – Just pick a plate – And easily plan a healthy meal.
The simple plates that turns MyPlate and the food pyramid into a an easy and applicable solution. Every day. Every meal. 


Most important meal of the day!
Supplies energy to the body after the night;
Contribute to your child’s growth and development;
Improve your child’s concentration and temper;
Improve you child’s learning abilities

Mid-Morning Snack

Send your child with a healthy snack to the kindergarten and school that include fruits and vegetables


Vary your vegetables choices: 5 different colors a week, raw, boiled or steamed

After noon Snack

Vary your fruits choices: 3 different colors a week


Time for a family dinner: All eat together and enjoy a pleasant conversation. No TV, No games, No phone calls;
Vary your protein sources to include legume and meat, and vary preparation methods: steamed, boiled, cooked and fried

Plate my Meal - Eating Right,Right from the Start

Plate my Meal™ – A three step method the healthy eating:

when to eat  | what to eat | how much to eat

We develop our concept and products using the most current scientific and professional nutritional knowledge, working closely with leading dietitians to create healthy solutions for parents and their growing toddlers.

Our concept and products have been market tested and endorsed by leading figures in the field.

From the media

Our plates are real celebs!

Channel 10 Morning Show -
choose right

Channel 10 Morning Show - Families and children eat healthy

Channel 2 News - Obesity prevention around the globe

our customers praise the plates

בחזית המחקר לקידום התזונה בישראל

הצלחות שלנו עוברות ניסויים קליניים מתמידים ונעשה בהן שימוש במוסדות הבריאות המובילים בישראל.

contact us

Dr. Liat Zivan



cellular - 972-54-4562439

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